About Me

Hello and thanks for visiting!  I am a Colorado Springs based photographer and I have a passion for meeting people, and creating beautiful images.  I'm a big believer that you shouldn't trust your memories to cell phone pics and the annual school pictures.  I aim to keep everything very casual and make sure that we have fun.

This is where I’m supposed to tell you some inspirational story about how my parent gave me a camera when I was eight years old and ever since I’ve dreamed about making beautiful life changing portraits of blah blah blah…

Nope, I wish it was some magical story, but this isn’t a movie, it's real life and most of the time it’s just normal stuff.  I was a dairy farmer turned accountant turned evil corporate overlord.  I started taking photos of my kids and was disappointed when all my photos were garbage so I started learning to do more than push a button.  Turns out I really liked it and was even good at it after I learned what to do (weird right?).

Fast forward a handful of years and I’m retiring from the whole evil overlord gig (too many hours, weeks of international travel, stress, and missing my kids) to spend time with my family.  So far my family doesn’t completely hate me yet so I’d say it's going alright, but you may want to check with them.  

Now photography is my full time (kind of) job.  Really being a dad is my full time job, but you're not here looking for a dad are you?  What you get with me is an expert photographer that's fun, easy, and low pressure.  Whether you need family portraits, a killer sports photo, or a headshot that actually looks like you, we’ll have fun…really.

Off the salesy stuff and back to family, I’m married (Katie) with two really great kids (Cooper + Norah), even though I talk trash about them I’m really lucky to have them.  Most days we just try not to kill each other and do normal family stuff like driving to sports practices and arguing about clothing choices when it's below freezing.  When having fun we like to spend time backpacking in the Colorado mountains or escaping the real world on the beach somewhere.  

You can probably tell by now that I’m not a writer, I believe in telling stories through pictures, here is my story, what's yours?